Monday, 28 June 2010

Gunny's Self Portrait

This is me when I go to Airsoft.

Scuba Phil

Here's Scuba Phil from Alpha 55, we both love Airsoft more than breathing, he's just got a new SOCOM pistol to shoot people with and it's got a silencer just like James Bond.
Much Love.

Or Should I Throw My Poo?

Here is Sniper Gaz from the SLAGs Aisoft team who play at Alpha 55 in North Wales.
Now granted,Mr.Holmes doesn't normally look like this, but then I don't look the little Bunny that runs up and down the pines shooting NOOB's either.
Peace Out.

Put the Bunny in the BOX

Welcome to Gunny Bunny's Art Blog where I will try to post as many pictures as possible, for as long as my sanity holds out, this is the first of many outings for the gun weilding Bunny that lives in my mind!
Stay Tooned.